Viagra And Priligy ? Can These Drugs Be Combined Safely? – IACOPh Ratings & Reviews

Both Viagra and Priligy caused breakthrough in the field of sexual dysfunction treatment. These medications serve to solve different problems, but they have a common feature ? they are highly popular with men. Naturally, many patients are asking a question ? is it possible to combine Viagra and Priligy safely?

How Does Viagra Work?

Viagra works specifically, by improving blood flow in the genital area. This is not a libido enhancer, as a patient must be sexually excited to feel the desired effect. Viagra also doesn’t provide systemic action in the body, focusing on the penis (in case of erectile dysfunction) and lungs (in case of pulmonary arterial hypertension, there is a separate medication for treating PAH, Revatio).

Viagra suppresses an isoenzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5 (more precisely 5A) which is present in corpora cavernosa of the penis. According to the study by David A. Kass et al. (Circulation Research Vol. 101, No. 11) PDE5A selectively hydrolyzes cyclic GMP. cGMP plays a central role in cardiovascular regulation and mediates nitric oxide release. Its inhibition adversely affects erection. Intake of Viagra helps to prevent this adverse action due to which erection improvement is achieved.

Priligy is a modern medication for premature ejaculation (PE) treatment. This potency prolonger blocks the reuptake of serotonin, slowing ejaculation and sperm excretion. Dapoxetine calms your body, thereby slowing your orgasm and helping younot to cum too fast.

Priligy is recommended only for patients who meet the following criteria:

  • the latent time of intravaginal ejaculation (IELT) is less than 120 seconds;
  • persistent or repeated ejaculation after minimal sexual stimulation before, during or shortly after sexual penetration, which occurs earlier than the patient’s desired moment;
  • severe stress or difficulties that arise in interpersonal relationships due to sexual dysfunction;
  • lack of control over the onset of ejaculation;
  • the beginning of premature ejaculation in most attempts of sexual intercourse for the last 6 months.

Dapoxetine should be taken if necessary only as a symptomatic treatment, i.e. before the alleged sexual intercourse.

The effectiveness of the medication is quite high and the likelihood of side effects is low. The only tangible drawback, according to patients, is the need to use a medication before each sexual intercourse. But a more effective product that would cure premature ejaculation simply does not exist.

Read our comparison: Dapoxetine (Priligy) Versus Paroxetine: Effectiveness For Treating Premature Ejaculation

Can You Take Viagra and Priligy Together?

Combination of Viagra and Priligy would be safe for health (except for some extraordinary situations when males are prone to develop side effects associated with one or both medications). Such a combo is especially beneficial if a patient suffers from ED and PE simultaneously. But, before starting the joint use, try to take Viagra alone (if you haven’t taken it before) to check tolerance of your body to sildenafil. In addition, we should note that there is an opposite opinion according to which these medications cannot be combined.

To avoid misusing and ensure taking correct doses of medicines in proper proportions, you can choose a product which already contains a combined formulation of sildenafil and dapoxetine (e.g. Super Kamagra and Cenforce-D). In addition, you can find another formulation: tadalafil and dapoxetine (for example, Super Vidalista, Tadapox, and Super Tadapox).

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