Jan Drugs: Canadian Pharmacy | Canada Drugs Online – IACOPh Ratings & Reviews


JanDrugs is an online Canadian pharmacy registered in Calgary, AB, Canada. The website of this drug store is jandrugs(dot)com. The drug store is a verified member of well-known pharmaceutical associations (CIPA & MIPA) and trusted PharmacyChecker web-portal. The main principle of the company’s activity is that improving the physical health of patients should not adversely affect their financial condition. The pharmacy sells a wide range of branded medicines, as well as generics, which have very low price.

Main features of JanDrugs

This Canadian pharmacy online provides qualified and friendly service to all customers. According to the requirements of the legislation, the qualified licensed pharmacist is available from Monday to Friday. It provides answers to all questions concerning the purchase of medicines in this and other companies, the interaction of medicine components and much more.

In addition to prescription medications, the pharmacy offers its clients various vitamin supplements of famous brands (Jamieson, Sisu & others). In addition, in JanDrugs you can buy medical remedies for pets. Thanks to this service, the pharmacy can help any member of a patient’s family.

Licenses and accreditations of well-known organizations prove that patient safety is a priority for this online chemist’s shop.

100% ensuring of patients’ rights

Each patient who have decided to use the services of this online chemist’s shop receives a wide range of rights and opportunities. Among them there are:

  1. The right to be provided with client-friendly service by the chemist’s shop workers.
  2. The right to receive complete, up-to-date and understandable data on the medical remedies that a patient plans to use. This information is provided by qualified pharmacists.
  3. The right to request information on drugs that may be relevant to drug therapy and used by the patient (information on meds interactions, their side effects, etc.);
  4. The right to make decisions on the course of therapy, the right to refuse treatment at any time.
  5. Full confidentiality during the discussion, communication with the pharmacist, as well as during the purchase of drugs.
  6. Guarantees that all records of prescriptions and discussions are 100% confidential, extending this confidentiality to all third parties who have a legal right to view them.
  7. The right to get best advice provided by highly qualified pharmacists.

JanDrugs Canadian pharmacy review

We have found some users’ reviews of this drug store. One user writes that he has used the services of this service for several years and hasn’t regretted it. Another user reports that this drug store has become a ?neighborhood? for him, despite the fact that it is located thousands of miles from his residence. Therefore, the reviewed drug store is worthy to be included in the top of Canadian pharmacy rating.

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