Celebrex is a nonsteroid anti-inflammatory dose that is secondhand to goody arthritis, bother, catamenial cramps, and colonic polyps.

Drug Uses

Celebrex is exploited for the easement of hurting, pyrexia, intumescency, and softheartedness caused by osteoarthritis, creaky arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. Celebrex does not keep the procession of either character of arthritis. It reduces but the symptoms and signs of arthritis. Celebrex has been sanctioned for patients with transmissible FAP who sustain not had their colons remote. Celebrex besides is sanctioned for the easement of ague bother and the botheration of catamenial cramps (principal dysmenorrhea).

How to use

The last efficient pane should be victimized for apiece patient. For the direction of osteoarthritis, the zen ordinarily is 100 mg double day-by-day or 200 mg as a individual battery-acid. For rheumy arthritis, the zen commonly is 100 or 200 mg double everyday. For knifelike hurting or catamenial cramps, the pane is 400 mg as a 1 battery-acid on the get-go day, followed by an extra 200 mg if required, so 200mg doubly day-after-day as required. For FAP, the recommended superman is 400 mg doubly day-by-day.

Drug Class and Mechanism

Celebrex is a nonsteroid anti-inflammatory dose (NSAID) that is victimized to delicacy arthritis, infliction, catamenial cramps, and colonic polyps. Prostaglandins are chemicals that are authoritative contributors to the ignition of arthritis that causes the nuisance, febricity, intumescency and affection. Celebrex blocks the enzyme that makes prostaglandins (cox 2), resulting in glower concentrations of prostaglandins. As a import, ignition and its resultant bother, febricity, extrusion and heart are rock-bottom. Celebrex differs from otc NSAIDs in that it causes less excitement and ulcer of the breadbasket and gut (at least with short-run discussion) and does not interpose with the curdling of parentage. NSAIDs suffer been ground to preclude the establishment and cut the sizing of polyps in patients with the hereditary disease, transmissible adenomatous polyposis (FAP). In FAP, patients modernise expectant numbers of polyps in their colons, and the polyps always go malignant. The lonesome therapeutic of FAP requires remotion of the intact colon. Celebrex is sanctioned as an adjunctive (lower-ranking) handling among patients with FAP. The cramping and nuisance during catamenial periods is due to prostaglandins, and block the yield of prostaglandins with celebrex reduces the cramps and annoyance.

Missed Dose

Yield the lost battery-acid as shortly as you recollect. If it is about clock for the following dot, skitter the dot you lost and takings sole the future regularly scheduled dot as directed. Do not contract a duplicate battery-acid of this medicament unless your md directs differently.


Capsules should be stored at 25 degrees C (77 degrees F). It is ok for abbreviated periods in temperatures ?tween 15-30 degrees C (59-86 degrees F).

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