77 Canada Pharmacy – Save Up To 77% Off Your Meds – IACOPh Ratings & Reviews


Best Rated Pharmacies: Canadian Neighbor Pharmacy ENTRY SITE

Welcome to the dedicated page about 77 Canada Pharmacy .com and the reasons why we are the leaders in the online pharmacy industry in Canada 

We hope you find any related information provided here within helpful. 77 Canada Pharmacy is 100% customer oriented, we hope this site is helpful to you and would love to hear your feedback. Please dont hesitate to Contact us to help us improve this site for you.  

Our mission is to provide discount prescription drugs to customers who feel that they can no longer afford to pay for their medications locally, or obtain their medication origin in their own Country. Our dedicated Canadian staff of Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians, and Customer Service Representatives are here to offer you the highest level of customer service available in this growing industry.

We are here to provide a health care service to you the customer. Our Canadian pharmacy uses the latest technologies and computer systems available to fill your prescriptions in an accurate and timely fashion. Even though we do not meet you the customer face to face, just like a local pharmacy, we are here to help you with any question you may have regarding your medications. 

Why you can trust 77 Canada Pharmacy

  1. We are 100% customer service oriented.
  2. 77 Canada Pharmacy can save you up to 77% off your prescription medications.
  3. Our Prices are conveniently displayed in U.S. dollars.
  4. Instant live chat.. let us show you our superior customer service.
  5. We can track your package online!
  6. No waiting rooms.
  7. Discrete and confidential packaging.
  8. Your order is shipped by Canada Post ? ?Expresspost?
  9. Professional and reliable staff.
  10. NO SPAM! ? By focusing on our core services we get generous customer referrals.
  11. Since drug prices are regulated in canada, you can be sure that our prices will not dramatically increase over the years.
  12. Our pharmacists understand the lower cost alternative generic medicatiions.
  13. Fast convenient service right to your doorstep.
  14. Fast, convenient, trustable online service.
  15. 77 Canada Pharmacy works with some of the largest product suppliers in Canada
  16. Our U.S. mailing address gets your mail order to us 2 days faster and saves you money.
  17. Our technicians have created a safety triple checking system. ?100% accuracy to date?
  18. Canadain generic patent laws.
  19. The Canadian Competition Act keeps Canadian drug manufacturers from setting drug prices.
  20. Thousands of prescriptions and over-the-counter products.
  21.  We have a Toll Free phone and fax number so you don’t pay long distance charges.
  22.  We are Fully Licensed by the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia.
  23. Licensed Pharmacists to review and dispense your Orders. Each pharmacist is in good standing with the College of Pharmacist’s of British Columbia.
  24. Licensed Doctors to review your personal Health Profile and American Prescriptions. Each Doctor is also in good standing with the Board of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia.
  25. Monthly special US $5 off specialy marked items.
  26. No handling or administration fees.
  27. No customs or duty fees from Canada to USA.
  28. One of the fastest Order Processing Time in the Industry ( Less than a week! )
  29. All medications are obtained from licensed wholesalers in Canada.
  30. You don’t have to leave the comfort of your home to buy your medications.
  31. A simple 5-10 minute Sign-Up procedure.
  32. We will obtain your prescriptions directly from your Doctor upon your request.
  33. Orders are reviewed 4 times by different departments. This minimizes errors in processing your order.
  34. We have a strict Privacy Policy to ensure your information is held Secure and Confidential.
  35. We offer help in English, Spanish. Just call us and ask for the appropriate Customer Service Representative.
  36. For your convenience, our call center is open Monday through Saturday.
  37. Encrypted and Secure online ordering forms.
  38. User friendly and informational web site.
  39. Many Satisfied Customers.

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