Why Is Cialis (Tadalafil) Called A Weekend Pill? – IACOPh Ratings & Reviews

In 2003, the US FDA and Health Canada approved a new drug for treating ED. It was Cialis with active agent tadalafil. The release of Cialis to the pharmaceutical market was a significant event for patients suffering from ED, as this drug offered a longer duration of action than Viagra, which was at that time the only medication for ED treatment.

What is Cialis?

Cialis is a great solution for fighting against erection problems in male persons. It contains the active agent tadalafil, which was invented about the same time as sildenafil (Viagra’s active substance), however, it was released on the market 5 years later. Cialis acts by suppressing the PDE5 enzyme, which inhibits the activity of the cGMP substance. It is cGMP that causes the muscles of the cavernous body to relax, and as a result the blood flow in the male organ increases. With erectile dysfunction, cGMP deficiency is observed. Inhibition of PDE5 enzyme helps to increase cGMP levels and improve penile erections. An erection occurs only when a man is sexually aroused.

The high efficacy of this drug has triggered a wave of releases of Cialis generic versions that are available in our shop.

Features of Cialis Use

The medication can be used on a daily basis or on demand. Cialis can also be helpful for the treatment of prostate enlargement. In such cases it is also taken in the dose of 5 mg once a day.

Other features of the use of medicament are as follows:

  • Tadalafil can be consumed by patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • It is necessary to prescribe Cialis with caution to patients experiencing disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous system ? conditions for which increased sexual activity is not recommended.
  • If you have an erection that lasts several hours in a row, you need to seek medical help.
  • Cialis should not be taken simultaneously with organic nitrates (in any dose) and with high dosages of ?-blockers because of the high risk of complications in the cardiovascular system.
  • The drug is incompatible with other medications for the treatment of erectile dysfunction;
  • The drug should be used with caution in combination with antihypertensives, antibiotics from the macrolide group, HIV medications, and some other meds.

Cialis ? the Best Weekend Pill for Men with ED

After intake, the drug is quickly absorbed from the digestive tract. The therapeutic concentration of the active component in the blood is reached after 1-2 hours. The half-life of the drug is an average of 17.5 hours. The medicine is excreted in the form of inactive compounds through the digestive system, that is, with the feces (about 61%) and with urine (35%). Due to the long half-life of Cialis, it acts up to 36 hours. It’s a whole day and a half! This feature of Cialis makes it a unique medication in the PDE5 inhibitor group. Viagra works only 5-6 hours. So why was Cialis dubbed “the Weekend Pill”?

Origin of “the Weekend Pill” Nickname

It is commonly believed that “the Weekend Pill” was the name given to Cialis by grateful patients. It is possible that this is true. Many patients called this medication by this name. But the statement that this name was given by patients is under doubt. If you find the old news reports of 2003 where the release of Cialis is described, you will see sub-headings such as “le weekender, new drug to rival Viagra”.

Then in 2003 Loren Grossman, Eli Lilly official, said that the new anti-ED medication (Cialis) gave men much more flexibility and spontaneity in their intimate life. It was a good marketing move. Many couples had long wanted more spontaneity in sexual relations, and Generic Viagra could not always provide it, since it operated only up to 6 hours (although studies had shown that the main component of Viagra can act up to 12 hours). One man from Toronto who participated in a six-month clinical trial of tadalafil reported that when the effect of the drug lasted 36 hours, sex could be an unplanned event. That provided a normal sex life.

Loren Grossman said that a person could use a pill on Saturday morning and its effect would last most of the weekend if not the whole weekend. Accordingly, in Europe where the medication had been approved before a new tablet quickly began to be called “le weekender”. As you could understand, this name appeared in France. Later the name “Le Weekend pill” appeared, which was transformed into “the Weekend Pill” in English.

Now you can find a slightly different interpretation of the nickname: a man can take a pill on Friday evening and have sex at any time until Sunday morning.

The Bottom Line on ?the Weekend Pill?

The above facts lead us to the idea that the nickname “the Weekend Pill” was artificially introduced into society by the smart marketers of Eli Lilly. At least, they gave a good reason to call this medication this way. Nevertheless, this nickname is popular and very accurately expresses the essence of magnificent Cialis pills.


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